Water Polo
School League
School Water Polo - Fun, Fitness and Friendship
​The MWPA Water Polo School League promotes the benefits of participation in water polo. The league supports a positive and inclusive environment that provides competitive opportunities in an educational setting for all participants.
Together, we are developing leaders and striving for excellence, in and out of the pool.
Important Dates​​
practices will start the week of September 22, 2024.
High School League games will start September 29, 2024.
Middle School League games will start October 20, 2024, however students will have the opportunity to participate in fun water polo clinics on September 29 & October 6.
finals will take place November 24, 2024.
no games October 13, 2024 for Thanksgiving
no games November 10, 2024 for Remembrance Day
For further information: Contact the MWPA Office or the new School League Convenor Chris Armstrong.
must be able to swim and be comfortable in the deep end of the pool
School rosters are limited to 12 players per team, however schools are encouraged to have multiple teams.
High school competition is gender specific. Individuals are welcome to participate with the team adjacent to their gender identity.
Middle Years League is co-ed.
League fees:
high school: $850 for 1st team; $750 for 2nd team; $650 for 3rd team; $650 for 4th team
middle school: $500 for 1st team; $400 for 2nd team; $300 for 3rd team; $300 for 4th team
All athletes, coaches, team managers and minor officials must register with the MWPA/WPC.
Athletes: Water Polo for Life membership ($30 MWPA/$35 WPC).
Managers and Minor Officials: Volunteer membership - FREE!
Coaches: those who are truly volunteering their time to a school team may register as a "Volunteer"; those who also coach for a Club or other MWPA programs must register in the "Water Polo for Life" category.
​​Coach Requirements
minimum NCCP accreditation of WPC Community Sport
Respect in Sport (RIS) certification
Making Head Way in Sport
satisfy MWPA Screening Policy prior to September 22, 2024.
Team Manager Requirements
Respect in Sport (RIS) certification
Making Head Way in Sport
satisfy MWPA Screening Policy prior to September 22, 2024.
Start Up Meeting
Team Managers and Coaches are encouraged to attend a start-up meeting on September 11, 2024 (virtual).
The MWPA is excited to launch another season of Water Polo 4s in 2024!

Want to play but your school
doesn't have a team?
​Submit a “Request for Placement” form by September 15.
No late forms will be considered.
teams may request up to 2 imports.
The school roster must be provided to the MWPA at the time of the request for imports.
The list of available imports will be sent to all participating schools for transparency.
Imports cannot choose which school they play for.
Athletes will be notified via email if their application has been approved on or before September 19.
A Request for Placement does not guarantee a spot on a school team.
Offering a safe environment to all our athletes and to all the various individuals who contribute to the Sport of water polo - whether they are coaches, officials, volunteers, staff, parents or fans/spectators – is an absolute priority for the MWPA.
We are all responsible for maintaining and enhancing the dignity and self-esteem of participants and other individuals by:
Demonstrating respect to individuals regardless of body type, physical characteristics, athletic ability, age, ancestry, colour, race, citizenship, ethnic origin, place of origin, creed, disability, family status, marital status, socioeconomic status, gender identity, gender expression, sex, and sexual orientation.
Focusing comments or criticism appropriately and avoiding public criticism of athletes, coaches, officials, organizers, volunteers, employees, or participants.
Consistently demonstrating a spirit of sportsmanship, sport leadership, and ethical conduct.
Acting, when appropriate, to correct or prevent unjustly discriminatory practices.
Consistently treating individuals fairly and reasonably.
Ensuring adherence to the rules of water polo and the spirit of those rules.
NEW FOR 2024: one parent/guardian/caregiver for each athlete must be certified in Respect in Sport (RIS) to ensure a positive and respectful environment for all! If certified through a different sport, are able to transfer.
School League Coaching
MSWPL Coaching requirements new as of 2023:
All school league coaches must have at a minimum:
NCCP accreditation of WPC Community Club Coach
Respect in Sport (RIS)
Criminal Record Check (CRC)
Child Abuse Registry Check (CARC)
NCCP Making Head Way in Sport
NCCP Making Ethical Decisions
All school league coaches are strongly recommended to have NCCP Safe Sport.
Problems completing your requirements? Reach out to the MWPA immediately.